Robotics, automation and artifical intelligence continue to feature heavily in the news, talk back radio and in documentaries and entertainment. I remember being enthralled with Star Trek, their social structure, their technological advances in medicine, communication, travel and adventure as they discovered new worlds and better ways of living. Star Trek technology was a dream and far fetched, and yet …
Records Management in the News – January – April 2018
Cyber Risk – Australia’s Top Ranked Risk in 2018 Recently, it has been reported that Australian government, community and business considers cyber risk our top ranked risk. Globally this is seen as the second biggest risk for international governments, business and local companies. The most common concerns that come to mind is:- Personal data theft (consider the 143 million Equifax consumers, of which I was one) in …
Coming Soon – Copyright Training – February 2018
Everything you wanted to know about copyright but didn’t know who to ask. Please contact Kristy Matthies to indicate your interest in attending Copyright Training in February 2018. Email your interest to Kristy by 24 January 2018.
Records Management in the News December 2017
The year 2017 will be remembered as a year of change, change on a scale not seen since the industrial revolution. Our comfort zones were stretched. More has been expected with less. Our new reality is that change is constant. We were told “Learn to be flexible.” “Get with the flow.” “Adapt and embrace.” “Broaden your comfort zone.” In 2016 …
Records Management in the News – July – September 2017
Artificial intelligences (ai) seems to be breaking into the news, featured in magazines and online blogs, and promoted in the latest movies. While last year was called the year of the digital Tsunami, this year appears to shaping into the dawn of artificial intelligence. We are told it will touch every person and every aspect of our lives. Every job …
3.1.1 Agenda and Minutes 2016 – 2018
Agendas and Minutes of Local Government Information Governance Group meetings are maintained by the Secretary of the MAV LGIG, Kristy Matthies. Included with the minutes are documents and presentations discussed at each meeting. Members Meeting July 20 2018 Agenda MAV LGIG AGM 2018 07 20 Agenda MAV LGIG Members Meeting and Workshop 2018 07 20 Agenda MAV LGIG Committee Meeting 2018 07 …
Records Management in the News – January – March 2017
2017 has got off to a roaring start. The new catch cry is that change is the new normal. Talking with some of my colleagues, the reoccurring phrase has been “we thought we would have a moment to catch our breath” post Christmas. But no! The technology landscape is rapidly changing. The political landscape is rapidly changing. Globally we seem …
Records Management in the News October – December 2016
2016 has definitely been the year of digital tsuanami. It has also been called the year of digital disruption. There has been an overwhelming number of news articles, reports, posts and tweets published on digital advances, data breaches and subsequent consequences, messages on how digital will change jobs and what it means to have a job. But the common purpose …
Records Management in the News – March April 2016
We keep hearing the term ‘Information Tsunami’ in describing the pace of technology development and the consequential change happening within the workplace and society. Only 3 months into the year, it is proving to be the fact. The technology leap is here. What does this mean for records management practitioners? In the first instance it can be scary as we see …
What did we learn in records management in 2015 and what lies ahead for 2016
Records Management in the News – January February 2016
Will 2016 be a great year for records management? Records management is still in the news. Some of our news stories refer back to stories from 2007 as issues come home to roost. Government awareness of the importance of good practice, of going digital to compete in the global market, importance of managing security risks are getting a mention in the …
Records Management in the News – November December 2015
As we move through the 21st Century we will hear more and more about “Cognitive Computing”. What does this mean? Having computers behave and interact like people is the future. Sam Volkering, reporting from London on the advances of robotics and how this may affect services we currently deliver. While some may see this technology as a threat, it need not …
Records Management in the News – September October 2015
Information and Records Management continues to feature in our news. The shift towards digital governance and digital business is increasing creating a demand for good knowledge and information workers. The evidence shows that there is greater expectation for records professionals to work more closely with Information Technology professionals and build greater knowledge and skills on a process, integration, people and culture …
Records Management in the News August 2015
August 2015 has been a big month for records managers. From matters relating to application and management of big data, technology changing the job landscape which will ultimately affect us, to hackers and security leaks, the stories keep on coming. Of particular interest is the speed at which technology is changing. The challenge is to keep up with it. How are we …
2.3.1 What’s New?
The following are now available to members of the ECM Step Program: Justice Legislation Amendment (Discovery, Disclosure and Other Matters) Bill 2014 – An explanation – Update your Records Management Policies ! Managing Councillor Records (PR act 1973, Privacy and FOI Implications) – A Discussion Paper PCI DSS and Managing Credit Card Information – A Discussion Paper Digital Signatures – …
Ultranet Facing the Scrap Heap
Jewel Topsfield THE AGE June 19, 2013 The disastrous $180 million Victorian school intranet could be scrapped at the end of the month prompting fears that months of student work and reports would be lost. The four-year contract with NEC to run the troubled network has not been renewed days before it expires on June 30, with a decision yet …
MAV ECM Newsletter – June 2013
The new look newsletter is now out thanks to e-Assure, who has kindly taken on the responsibility of collating relevant news. This newsletter looks at digitisation, the paperless office, answers some questions that have been floating around the RIMPA Listserv of late, and also lists our wealth of available tools and resources that are contained in the Knowledge Centre within …
Debbie Prout and Ruth Edge presented the RIMPA submissions to the Royal Commission on Friday 5th April 2013. The good work being done within the Local Government Sector and our ECM Step Program has peaked some interest. Keep up the good work with your AUDIT Actions and the PROV requirement to prepare for Records Risk Assessments. This is very important …
Letter From PROV to Local Government Sector on Royal Commission into Child Abuse
Royal Commission into Child Abuse Response from PROV to Local Government Sector 11th February 2013 Hi Ruth, I appreciate the concern and anxiety currently being caused by the unknown and potentially open ended demands of this Royal Commission. I also appreciate the desire for certainty and clarity. Unfortunately, we do not know the answer to any …
The Forgotten Australians – Record Keeping Matters!
The MAV ECM Step Program participants recognise the importance of managing records for the protection of human rights and ensuring accountability and transparency. The Ombudsman’s Report “Investigation into the Storage and Management of Ward Records” reminds us of the devastating impact caused through the Department of Human Services (DHS) failure to meet its legal obligation to properly manage ward records. The DHS poor record …
BCS Workshop Feb 15th 2013
Don’t forget to bring your current BCS to the meeting. Check the website calendar for details.
Would you like to be a member?
Contact Ruth Edge on or Tim Newbegin on
Royal Commission To Do List
Introduction On the 12th February 2013 Rebecca Grant, Executive Director of iCourts, Solicitor and Legal Records Management Expert, presented on the Royal Commission into Child Abuse. Rebecca has worked on many Royal Commissions both within Australia and overseas. She has guided many agencies through the discovery and production of requests. Rebecca presented at the request of the Keeper of Public Records Victoria, Justine Hazelwood, …
What is Happening with FOI
Hi MAV ECM Step Program participants. The Freedom of Information Act 1982 was amended again on 18 December 2012. Please find below the link to the latest version:$FILE/82-9859aa081%20authorised.pdf The changes came about due to the Integrity and Accountability Legislation Amendment Act 2012 and have impacted upon sections 54, 55, 59 and 69. These sections, however, do not …
Royal Commission into Child Abuse
Mr Rob Spence will be presenting on the MAV ECM Step Program and its future at the next RMN meeting to be held on the 12th February 11.00AM to 2.00PM at Treasury Place Melbourne. Also featured will be presentations on the Royal Commission into Child Abuse. In November Debbie Prout, RIMPA Vic President wrote the following:-“Close to half a million …
Oranges and Sunshine
Australia is known as the Lucky Country. We enjoy many freedoms and we live a life that is rich and full with natural resources in abundance. We have a culture that offers many opportunities and protects those freedoms. One of those freedoms is the right to access your personal information. Enjoying my holiday break, I took the time to settle down …
The Records Storage and Digitisation Project Committee was established in April 2011 to support and guide the backscanning and storage conversion program in partnership with Grace Records Management, the Public Records Office Victoria, the MAV and Local Councils party to the sector wide contract. The program has a reform agenda. This is:- to support business excellence through better use of …
The Personal Cost of Poor Record Keeping Hits home in Victoria
The Victorian Ombudsman has reported on an own motion investigation into the management and storage of ward records by the Department of Human Services in the beginning of March 2012. In his report Own motion investigation into the management and storage of ward records by the Department of Human Services, the Ombudsman George Brouwer said numerous reports over the last …