3.1.1 Agenda and Minutes 2016 – 2018

Ruth ECM, Information Management, Information Management Capability, Latest News, Learning Tools, Minutes, Minutes, Newsletter, Newsletter, Uncategorized

Agendas and Minutes of Local Government Information Governance Group meetings are maintained by the Secretary of the MAV LGIG, Kristy Matthies. Included with the minutes are documents and presentations discussed at each meeting. Members Meeting July 20 2018  Agenda MAV LGIG AGM 2018 07 20 Agenda MAV LGIG Members Meeting and Workshop 2018 07 20 Agenda MAV LGIG Committee Meeting 2018 07 …

Performance Measures and Compliance Monitoring Workshop Papers April 2017

Ruth Information Management Capability, Latest News, Latest News, Learning Tools, Minutes

Compliance monitoring and establishing performance measures is a crucial part of any sound record keeping program. Records management is the responsibility of all members of an organisation. The following documents will support you design and maintain an effective compliance monitoring program within your organisation. Presentation – Developing Compliance Program – final Presentation – Developing RM Key Performance Indicators – final …

Information Governance ToolKit and Minutes of April and June LGIG Meetings

Ruth Latest News, Learning Tools, Minutes, Minutes, Newsletter

Information Governance is critical is a post paper dependent and transforming digital world. More than ever information can easily expose organisations and individuals when security is poor and the value of data is misunderstood. A good information governance strategy that is implemented and effectively applied across the organisation can save much grief. A good starting point to understanding your needs …