Records Management in the News – January – March 2017

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2017 has got off to a roaring start. The new catch cry is that change is the new normal. Talking with some of my colleagues, the reoccurring phrase has been “we thought we would have a moment to catch our breath” post Christmas. But no! The technology landscape is rapidly changing. The political landscape is rapidly changing. Globally we seem to be at the brink of something big. Someone said “the robots are coming”. Well, yes. That is true. And yes, they are already here. It is okay and normal to feel afraid. But it is even better to adapt and move with it, influence it for good. Our new friend is AI (artificial intelligence). AI is taking away the mundane tasks and leaving us free to focus on add value activities that require human intelligence, emotion, and thought. That gets me up in the morning. Cardinia Shire Council is embracing this culturally, seeking new innovation, testing opportunities and embracing more effective ways of delivering services and information to our community. It is an energizing and exciting environment to be in, sometimes challenging. It takes flexibility to be able to adapt quickly to change, shift gear in mid stream. It takes resilience. It takes a supportive culture to be successful. Knowledge workers and information workers opportunities have never been so strong as in this new technology revolution. How are you meeting the challenge? This link will take you to a great Ted Talk that will being you one step closer to meeting your next professional goal as a knowledge and information worker. David Autor tells us “Why Are There Still So Many Jobs?”

Also in the news Land Titles privatisation continues to ruffle feathers across Australia. The Sydney Morning Herald has produced several articles over the past year and we have selected just the recent for you. Our own Land Victoria has been taking Council owned Land Titles into custody and converting them to digital. There are a number of questions we have put to Land Victoria for clarity on the value of our paper titles. Legal advice is desired.

VAGO also produced it’s report on records management in Victorian State Government. A revealing and yet not surprising report. It too signals that change is afoot. how that looks like is anyone’s guess. We will have to wait and see.

2017 is already a really interesting year!

Management – Victorian records management stuck in the 70s

Management – The Age Saturday 11 March 2017 – The Dedicated team behind the other book of Mormons

Management – PEXA grab for Land titles

Management – Australian Financial Review Monday 20 March 2017 – Q Super Joins Auction for NSW Land Titles Reqistry Highlighted Pages 1 and 14

Management – How do you solve fake news problem in the post-truth era

INC1727402 Records Management in the News – Technology – Epicon takes system integration to a new level with data management and matching