3.1.1 Agenda and Minutes 2016 – 2018

Ruth ECM, Information Management, Information Management Capability, Latest News, Learning Tools, Minutes, Minutes, Newsletter, Newsletter, Uncategorized

Agendas and Minutes of Local Government Information Governance Group meetings are maintained by the Secretary of the MAV LGIG, Kristy Matthies. Included with the minutes are documents and presentations discussed at each meeting. Members Meeting July 20 2018  Agenda MAV LGIG AGM 2018 07 20 Agenda MAV LGIG Members Meeting and Workshop 2018 07 20 Agenda MAV LGIG Committee Meeting 2018 07 …

Data Security and the Dark Web

Ruth Latest News, Latest News, Learning Tools, Newsletter

Data security has always been a priority for records and information management professionals. We now live in the digital age. With the transition from paper to digital business transactions we need to be more diligent than ever to ensure all steps are taken to meet every security requirement that protects personal, sensitive and business intelligence data. The consequences of not …

Performance Measures and Compliance Monitoring Workshop Papers April 2017

Ruth Information Management Capability, Latest News, Latest News, Learning Tools, Minutes

Compliance monitoring and establishing performance measures is a crucial part of any sound record keeping program. Records management is the responsibility of all members of an organisation. The following documents will support you design and maintain an effective compliance monitoring program within your organisation. Presentation – Developing Compliance Program – final Presentation – Developing RM Key Performance Indicators – final …

Information Governance ToolKit and Minutes of April and June LGIG Meetings

Ruth Latest News, Learning Tools, Minutes, Minutes, Newsletter

Information Governance is critical is a post paper dependent and transforming digital world. More than ever information can easily expose organisations and individuals when security is poor and the value of data is misunderstood. A good information governance strategy that is implemented and effectively applied across the organisation can save much grief. A good starting point to understanding your needs …

2.4.1 Current Projects

Ruth Information Management, Learning Tools

The following activities are priorities for 2015 – 2016 for the MAV LGIG:- 1) Managing Councillor Records (Public Records Act 1973, Privacy and Freedom of Information Implications) – A Discussion Paper 2) PCI DSS and Managing Credit Card Information – A Discussion Paper 3) Digital Signatures – Legal and Operational Considerations (This is currently operational in Local Government and is being …

2.3.1 What’s New?

Ruth Information Management, Information Management Capability, Latest News, Latest News, Learning Tools, Newsletter, Newsletter

The following are now available to members of the ECM Step Program: Justice Legislation Amendment (Discovery, Disclosure and Other Matters) Bill 2014 –  An explanation – Update your Records Management Policies ! Managing Councillor Records (PR act 1973, Privacy and FOI Implications) – A Discussion Paper PCI DSS and Managing Credit Card Information – A Discussion Paper Digital Signatures – …

Facebook Engagement: 7 Stats You Should Know

Ruth Learning Tools

Facebook is an increasingly important space for getting information and interest out about your organisation, with so many users continually connected it is quickly becoming the first point of call for getting information out quickly as well as responding rapidly to questions, problems and criticism on the web. Learning the best practice in exactly how to spend your time utilising …

Survey Monkey: The What, Why, and How

Ruth Learning Tools

Possibly one of the greatest tools to organisations around the world embracing and integrating technology into their workflow is in data collection and analysis. What was once an extremely arduous task of manual collection, collation and analysis eventually leading to a final report can almost entirely be done away with by using automated services. Survey Monkey is an online service …

Getting The Most Out Of Google Drive

Ruth Learning Tools

As we move further into integrating technology into our daily work process; our information, documents, files, and archives are moving off our physical desks and onto our digital desktops. Convenient for storage? Definitely, but carrying a file with you or distributing it across organisations is no longer as simple as putting it in your hand and finding the photocopier. That’s …