Information Governance

Ruth Information Management, Information Management Capability, Latest News, Latest News, Newsletter

What is Information Governance? According to National Archives Australia, “Information governance is an approach to managing information assets across an entire organisation to support its business outcomes. It involves having frameworks, policies, processes, standards, roles and controls in place to meet regulatory, legal, risk and operational requirements. Information governance is an essential element of corporate governance that must be aligned …

Records Management in the News December 2017

Ruth Information Management, Information Management Capability, Latest News, Latest News, Newsletter

The year 2017 will be remembered as a year of change, change on a scale not seen since the industrial revolution. Our comfort zones were stretched. More has been expected with less. Our new reality is that change is constant. We were told “Learn to be flexible.” “Get with the flow.” “Adapt and embrace.” “Broaden your comfort zone.” In 2016 …

SAI Global Subscription to Australian Standards and International Standards 2017

Ruth Information Management, Information Management Capability, Latest News, Latest News, Uncategorized

Access to the Australian Standards is available to all Victorian Councils who have subscribed through the MAV agreement. The agreement with SAI Global was coordinated through the Local Government Information Governance Group, MAV Procurement and SAI Global to ensure that a cost effective means of access to the Standards that did not breach copyright or infringe licensing was available to …

3.1.1 Agenda and Minutes 2016 – 2018

Ruth ECM, Information Management, Information Management Capability, Latest News, Learning Tools, Minutes, Minutes, Newsletter, Newsletter, Uncategorized

Agendas and Minutes of Local Government Information Governance Group meetings are maintained by the Secretary of the MAV LGIG, Kristy Matthies. Included with the minutes are documents and presentations discussed at each meeting. Members Meeting July 20 2018  Agenda MAV LGIG AGM 2018 07 20 Agenda MAV LGIG Members Meeting and Workshop 2018 07 20 Agenda MAV LGIG Committee Meeting 2018 07 …

Performance Measures and Compliance Monitoring Workshop Papers April 2017

Ruth Information Management Capability, Latest News, Latest News, Learning Tools, Minutes

Compliance monitoring and establishing performance measures is a crucial part of any sound record keeping program. Records management is the responsibility of all members of an organisation. The following documents will support you design and maintain an effective compliance monitoring program within your organisation. Presentation – Developing Compliance Program – final Presentation – Developing RM Key Performance Indicators – final …

Information Governance Framework Documents

Ruth Information Management Capability, Latest News, Minutes

In 2016 members of the MAV Local Government Information Governance Group held two workshops to collaborate with eAssure on developing an Information Governance Framework. Information has been collated from various sources, including: PROV, NAA, DPPC, councils and business. The documents produced will inform us on management of shared cloud solutions, business systems records management integrity and support consistency of practice …

Records Management in the News – March April 2016

Ruth ECM, Information Management, Information Management Capability, Latest News, Latest News, Minutes, Newsletter, Newsletter

We keep hearing the term ‘Information Tsunami’ in describing the pace of technology development and the consequential change happening within the workplace and society.  Only 3 months into the year, it is proving to be the fact.  The technology leap is here.  What does this mean for records management practitioners? In the first instance it can be scary as we see …

Records Management in the News – January February 2016

Ruth ECM, Information Management, Information Management Capability, Latest News, Latest News, Newsletter, Newsletter

Will 2016 be a great year for records management? Records management is still in the news.  Some of our news stories refer back to stories from 2007 as issues come home to roost.  Government awareness of the importance of good practice, of going digital to compete in the global market, importance of managing security risks are getting a mention in the …

Records Management in the News – September October 2015

Ruth ECM, Information Management, Information Management Capability, Latest News, Latest News, Newsletter, Newsletter, Uncategorized

Information and Records Management continues to feature in our news.  The shift towards digital governance and digital business is increasing creating a demand for good knowledge and information workers. The evidence shows that there is greater expectation for records professionals to work more closely with Information Technology professionals and build greater knowledge and skills on a process, integration, people and culture …

Records Management in the News August 2015

Ruth ECM, Information Management, Information Management Capability, Latest News, Latest News, Newsletter, Newsletter

August 2015 has been a big month for records managers.  From matters relating to application and management of big data, technology changing the job landscape which will ultimately affect us, to hackers and  security leaks, the stories keep on coming.  Of particular interest is the speed at which technology is changing.  The challenge is to keep up with it. How are we …

2.3.1 What’s New?

Ruth Information Management, Information Management Capability, Latest News, Latest News, Learning Tools, Newsletter, Newsletter

The following are now available to members of the ECM Step Program: Justice Legislation Amendment (Discovery, Disclosure and Other Matters) Bill 2014 –  An explanation – Update your Records Management Policies ! Managing Councillor Records (PR act 1973, Privacy and FOI Implications) – A Discussion Paper PCI DSS and Managing Credit Card Information – A Discussion Paper Digital Signatures – …