Local Government Business Classification Scheme


The Business Classification Scheme (BCS) is the culmination of many months of consultation, workshops and the contribution of many councils from across Victoria.  It is designed to be a tool that can be used as the backbone of your EDMS system.  It offers a common language for all councils to adopt.  This document is the starting point for all councils …


RuthECM, Newsletter

Debbie Prout and Ruth Edge presented the RIMPA submissions to the Royal Commission on Friday 5th April 2013.  The good work being done within the Local Government Sector and our ECM Step Program has peaked some interest. Keep up the good work with your AUDIT Actions and the PROV requirement to prepare for Records Risk Assessments.  This is very important …



Hi MAV ECM STEP PROGRAM Participants Finally, all your great work has come together in our very all sector-wide Business Classification Scheme (BCS).  From this scheme you will be able to determine the FUNCTIONS and ACTIVITIES, explain to your users through the application of SCOPE NOTES, how to correctly group information of like purpose, value and context so that they have …


RuthECM, Minutes

Greetings all MAV ECM Step Program Participants, Would you please find parking and accommodation details for the next ECM STEP Program Committee meeting proposed for May 10th 2013 in Warrnambool. With reference to the agenda, the other business and late items sections are for your suggestions and possible involvement. We have three hours so plenty of time for discussions. With …

Example of Records Risk Assessment


By now most of you will be on your way to reviewing what records need to be assessed, notifying various areas that their records must not be destroyed and that they need to be ready to provide information when it is requested by the Royal Commission.  While some have assummed that Institutions and state government are to be most affected …

Royal Commission and Records Risk Assessment


Many have asked how do I conduct a Records Risk Management Assessment.  Attached are guidelines from the PROV.  They are self explanatory in stepping you through the process.  Use the process flow chart with your records creators and users to step through each of the questions posed to evaluate the risk.  You will also find a table with a series …

MAV ECM Step Program Meetings Agenda 15th February 2013

RuthECM, Minutes

9.00 – 10.00 Committee Meeting Identify common opportunities with ICT and GIS groups – common ground – How can we move this forward. Basic set of generic business rules for record control – non system dependent Annual Conference – Feedback and Planning. (Discussion around what we, the industry might like to suggest as speaker / subject options.) Report from e-Assure …

The Forgotten Australians – Record Keeping Matters!

RuthECM, Newsletter

The MAV ECM Step Program participants recognise the importance of managing records for the protection of human rights and ensuring accountability and transparency. The Ombudsman’s Report “Investigation into the Storage and Management of Ward Records” reminds us of the devastating impact caused through the Department of Human Services (DHS) failure to meet its legal obligation to properly manage ward records. The DHS poor record …

Royal Commission To Do List

RuthECM, Newsletter

Introduction On the 12th February 2013 Rebecca Grant, Executive Director of iCourts, Solicitor and Legal Records Management Expert, presented on the Royal Commission into Child Abuse.  Rebecca has worked on many Royal Commissions both within Australia and overseas.  She has guided many agencies through the discovery and production of requests.  Rebecca presented at the request of the Keeper of Public Records Victoria, Justine Hazelwood, …

What is Happening with FOI

RuthECM, Newsletter

Hi MAV ECM Step Program participants. The Freedom of Information Act 1982 was amended again on 18 December 2012. Please find below the link to the latest version:     http://www.legislation.vic.gov.au/Domino/Web_Notes/LDMS/LTObject_Store/LTObjSt7.nsf/DDE300B846EED9C7CA257616000A3571/089B779EFD3FB0BACA257AD800186FF5/$FILE/82-9859aa081%20authorised.pdf The changes came about due to the Integrity and Accountability Legislation Amendment Act 2012 and have impacted upon sections 54, 55, 59 and 69. These sections, however, do not …

Royal Commission into Child Abuse

RuthECM, Newsletter

Mr Rob Spence will be presenting on the MAV ECM Step Program and its future at the next RMN meeting to be held on the 12th February 11.00AM to 2.00PM at Treasury Place Melbourne. Also featured will be presentations on the Royal Commission into Child Abuse. In November Debbie Prout, RIMPA Vic President wrote the following:-“Close to half a million …

Oranges and Sunshine

RuthECM, Newsletter

Australia is known as the Lucky Country. We enjoy many freedoms and we live a life that is rich and full with natural resources in abundance. We have a culture that offers many opportunities and protects those freedoms. One of those freedoms is the right to access your personal information. Enjoying my holiday break, I took the time to settle down …

Store – Purpose Statement


Council should keep and manage their electronic records in compliance with standards approved under the State Records Act and with Australian Standard AS ISO 15489, Records Management issued as a code of best practice under the Act. The Government expects the same standards of recordkeeping to apply in the electronic environment as in the paper environment. Council should identify all …



The Back Scanning and Digitisation Project Tender has been awarded to Grace Records Management. Councils met at the offices of the Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) on 12th May 2011 for an Information Session on the evaluation and selection of the successful Tenderer. In addition,a high level road map was presented on how the project will be managed over the …

Purpose Statement – Preserve


Council should keep and manage their electronic records in compliance with standards approved under the State Records Act and with Australian Standard AS ISO 15489, Records Management issued as a code of best practice under the Act. The Government expects the same standards of recordkeeping to apply in the electronic environment as in the paper environment. Council should identify all …


RuthECM, Newsletter

The Records Storage and Digitisation Project Committee was established in April 2011 to support and guide the backscanning and storage conversion program in partnership with Grace Records Management, the Public Records Office Victoria, the MAV and Local Councils party to the sector wide contract. The program has a reform agenda. This is:- to support business excellence through better use of …

Information about the ECM Steering Committee

RuthECM, Minutes

Agendas for upcoming meetings are posted 2 weeks prior to the event. Our Vision Our vision is that all Victorian councils are compliant with the legislative and legal requirements of records and content management and that they are able to deliver this through increasingly more efficient and effective business practice. Our Mission Our Strategic Mission Objectives are: To strategically build …

Prov Specifications


Specifications: Are a detailed and exact set of measurable requirements which define the criteria for a Standard. Part of the ECM Step Program development is to map PROV Advices, Guides, Standards and Templates to the elements of the ECM Step Guide.  This will assist members to manage their compliance program. Information produced as part of the ECM Step Program is published …

Prov advices


Advices: The PROV has issued Advices to Victorian agencies on current recordkeeping issues. These are aids to support the record keeping programs and compliance with the PROV issued Standards. Part of the ECM Step Program development is to map PROV Advices, Guides, Standards and Templates to the elements of the ECM Step Guide.  This will assist members to manage their …

Prov Guidelines


Guidelines: These are Explanatory notes from PROV which assist practitioners to facilitate implementation of requirements. Part of the ECM Step Program development is to map PROV Advices, Guides, Standards and Templates to the elements of the ECM Step Guide.  This will assist members to manage their compliance program. Information produced as part of the ECM Step Program is published in …

Prov Standards


Standards: Are a set of principles that state a level of requirement. Part of the ECM Step Program development is to map PROV Advices, Guides, Standards and Templates to the elements of the ECM Step Guide.  This will assist members to manage their compliance program. Information produced as part of the ECM Step Program is published in the members only Knowledge …

Welcome to investment


The Investment Logic Map and Matrix assists the practitioner determine the value proposition of digitisation and offsite storage. For assistance with using the Matrix contact Ruth Edge 1300 368 333 BackscanningDataCollectionWorksheet FINAL

Welcome to Knowledge Centre


  The purpose of this page is to provide useful tools for ECM Step Program participants to use in delivery of record keeping and associated activities that support best practice business and service delivery. Here you will find Advices you can modify to educate your users.  You will find educational and promotional guides and training tools.  You will provide templates …

Enable – Purpose Statement


A full lifecycle program involves the following:- Manage: is the process of developing, implementing and operating overarching management control systems covering Governance, Audit & Monitoring, Compliance Management, Risk Management, Security Management, Content Management – Search & Retrieve, Library Services (Check-in,Check-Out), Version Control, Audit Control, Tracking and Business Process Management Capture: is the process of identifying content within council’s business domain …

Digitisation Program Background


Councils, the MAV, PROV and RIMPA came together with Grace Records Management in 2010 to develop a Storage and Digitisation Program.  Initially the Program was to focus on storage of hard copy  records and back scanning of high access and high value records.  Beginning with 6 pilot Councils, the Program has grown to include more than 60 Councils across Victoria, …

Deliver – Purpose


As records of government agencies, electronic records, like records in other formats, are subject to legislation such as the Freedom of Information Act and to legal processes such as discovery and subpoenas. The records may also be required by Royal Commissions, the Courts, auditors and other people or bodies to whom or which they may be subject. For assistance on …

Capture – Purpose Statement


Council’s objectives for using information management and technology to deliver council services will be supported by maintaining electronic records in electronic form where it is appropriate to do so. Electronic records are more accessible and generally have greater value than printed versions of them. Some kinds of electronic records, such as compound documents, cannot be maintained in hard copy form …