
Ruth ECM

The Back Scanning and Digitisation Project Tender has been awarded to Grace Records Management. Councils met at the offices of the Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) on 12th May 2011 for an Information Session on the evaluation and selection of the successful Tenderer.

In addition,a high level road map was presented on how the project will be managed over the life of the partnership.

Presenters included:

Ruth Edge – Evaluation Panel Chairman
Allison McNaulty – Public Records Office Victoria (PROV)
Sandra Bower – Grace Records Management
Cameron Spence – MAV

Members of the Evaluation Panel also contributed to the meeting, with their experiences as part of the evaluation process and reasons for selection of the tenderer.
Project Governance

Grace Records Management, in conjunction with the PROV, MAV and Councils have form a Project Board and a Project Committee.

The Project Board consisting of MAV and Grace Records Management managed the Contract.

The Project Committee administers and guides the project to meet the goals and objectives identified as key deliverables. Council’s share a vision for the transition from paper to paper-less over the life of the project, for improved records management, that in turn supports more responsive customer service delivery for their communities and reduces the cost burden to council’s in storage and management of records.

About the Tender

Of the 47 councils who have signed to participate in this tender, 6 have elected to pilot stage one of the project.
Services provided include:

Offsite Storage Service
Provision of related Goods and Services
Courier Service
Image on Demand Service
Project Management of targeted bulk imaging (sector targeted record series) and individual council bulk scanning
Confidential Bin Service
Confidential Hard Copy Record Destruction Service
Image Data Storage Service

Council’s are supported with project management guidance, documentation templates and support. All participating councils may have access to the Internal External Services Cost Comparison Matrix which can assist councils determine which services to adopt and which series of records should be imaged. For access to this document log in to the members only section.

Pilot councils have commenced their projects with Grace Records Management.  Progress reports will be published in Newsletters and within the minutes of meetings.

For further information on the program check out our File Gallery in the wiki