Information about the ECM Steering Committee

Ruth ECM, Minutes

Agendas for upcoming meetings are posted 2 weeks prior to the event.

Our Vision

Our vision is that all Victorian councils are compliant with the legislative and legal requirements of records and content management and that they are able to deliver this through increasingly more efficient and effective business practice.

Our Mission

Our Strategic Mission Objectives are:

  1. To strategically build the capacity and capability of ECM across the sector, through:
    • the development of collaborative initiatives,
    • improving the efficiency and effectiveness of ECM to capture all inputs and outputs to council business,
    • professional development of council officers.
  2. To deliver an ECM strategy and policy framework for the governance of compliant ECM that is be adopted across the sector.
  3. To keep abreast of new and emerging technologies and provide leadership in the appropriation of these in the ECM environment.

Our Objectives


To communicate and engage with the Local Government sector to foster understanding and take purposeful action towards achieving the vision within all councils.

We will measure our success in this objective by:

  • KPI 1. An increase in the number of councils that actively participate in at least one of the ECM initiatives.
    • Current Participation rate 60% – Target Participation rate 70% by January 2013
  • KPI 2. An increase in the level records keeping awareness amongst council executives and senior managers.
    • We will measure this via a survey of ECM Officers.
    • Our target is a 20% improvement in the level of ECM awareness as measured by council ECM officers

Policy and Strategy

To develop a policy and strategy framework and template for electronic content management that is applicable and usable by all Victorian councils in guiding the development of efficient, effective and complaint ECM practice.

We will measure our success in this objective by:

  • KPI 1. The adoption of the policy and strategy framework by councils.
    • Target adoption rate 70% by January 2013
  • KPI 2. That council ECM officers believe that the policy and strategy framework is relevant to their council situation and usable as a framework that can be appropriated within their council. We will survey ECM officer’s opinion as part of the STEP program.
    • Our target is that by January 2013, 80% of council ECM officers provide overall positive feedback.


To build the professional competency of local government ECM managers. We will achieve this through the implementation of an ECM STEP program. The role of the ECM Steering Committee will be to provide strategic direction and guidance in ongoing development and implementation of the ECM STEP program. The ECM Steering Committee will approve the content of the program.

We will measure our success in this objective by:

  • KPI 1. Increase in the number of ECM officer within local government that participate in the STEP program from the second half of 2011 to the fisecond half of 2012.
  • KPI 2. Closure in the compliance Gap as measured by the STEP program.

Better Practice Guide

To improve Local Government’s compliance with public records requirements. We will achieve this by taking responsibility for the delivery of training based on the Better Practice Guide that assists Local Government’s compliance in managing public records, including the establishment of a review processes to assist the adaptation of the State Governments Guide.

We will measure our success in this objective by:

  • KPI 1. Training and workshops to all councils to assist in the implementation of the “Better Practice Guide” – 4 per annum.
  • KPI 2. A positive score from a survey of councils, regarding the applicability and appropriateness of the Better Practice guide – measured annually.
  • KPI 3. An increase in the VAGO compliance score for public records within councils

Shared Services

To improve the capacity and capability of the sector to deliver effective ECM. We will achieve this by fostering the strategic development of shared ECM services across local government.

We will measure our success in this objective by:

  • KPI 1. Facilitating and establishing the following core ECM shared services project as initiatives that are available to the whole sector under a 186 LG Act arrangement
  1. Back-scanning and storage

KPI 2. A 20% increase in the sector wide participation in the shared services projects from 2011to 2013.

Leadership in Emerging Technologies

To keep abreast of new and emerging technologies and provide leadership in placing these in an efficient and compliant ECM environment.

We will achieve this by interacting with industry, peak bodies and the ICT committee of local government to dialogue new innovations and to understand how these may be appropriated by the local government sector. Where we believe there are appropriate opportunities we will work with the sector to stimulate the trial and possible adoption of these technologies.

We will measure our success in this objective by:

  • KPI 1. Receiving input from organisations on innovative developments in ECM twice a year.
  • KPI 2. Delivering at least 2 presentation (“stories”) of new innovations in ECM targeted at executive forums.