MAV ECM Step Program Meetings Agenda 15th February 2013

Ruth ECM, Minutes

9.00 – 10.00 Committee Meeting

  1. Identify common opportunities with ICT and GIS groups – common ground – How can we move this forward.
  2. Basic set of generic business rules for record control – non system dependent
  3. Annual Conference – Feedback and Planning. (Discussion around what we, the industry might like to suggest as speaker / subject options.)
  4. Report from e-Assure
  5. Report from Grace
  6. Meeting schedule for 2013. (Suggest dates based on RIMPA LG meetings So, we can all plan!!)

10.00 – 3.00 Workshop – Sector Wide Business Classification Scheme


  1. Royal Commission into child Abuse – How can we prepare?
  2. BCS Discussions – Finalise and deliver the BCS with descriptors (ongoing sector wide project for 2013)