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Ruth ECM

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Records Disposal Guide

Ruth ECM

The guides will assist the practitioner in managing their classification and their disposal programs. Classification – Project Meeting Request Template Classification – Project Meeting Update Template eassure – MAV Workshop Products – Classification – Fact Sheet – April 2012 eassure – MAV Workshop Products – Disposal – Inventory Survey eassure – MAV Workshop Products – Disposal – New File Request …

The Personal Cost of Poor Record Keeping Hits home in Victoria

Ruth ECM, Newsletter

The Victorian Ombudsman has reported on an own motion investigation into the management and storage of ward records by the Department of Human Services in the beginning of March 2012. In his report Own motion investigation into the management and storage of ward records by the Department of Human Services, the Ombudsman George Brouwer said numerous reports over the last …

About ECM

Ruth ECM

Welcome to the ECM Step Guide User Website. Enterprise Content Management: In the context of Victorian Local Government ECM is defined as the policy framework, strategic plan, tactical and operational practices used to capture, manage, store, preserve and deliver all forms of content relating to the business of Council. Electronic Content Management: is a subset of enterprise content management in …

Email Alerts

Ruth ECM

Please see attached files Eassure – Recordkeeping Email Alert – Records Access V2 Eassure – Recordkeeping Email Alert – Responsibilities for Recordkeeping V2 Eassure – Recordkeeping Email Alert – Sentencing Records V1 Eassure – Recordkeeping Email Alert – What is a Record and Document V2 Eassure – Recordkeeping Email Alert – Whats in a Name V1


Ruth ECM

Please see attached documents: Eassure – Induction Program Presentation Final Eassure – Induction Training – Staff Comprehension Check Questions final Eassure – Recordkeeping Summary Slides for General Introduction Final Statement of Responsbility Template Final Training Evaluation Survey Final Training Needs Analysis Form Final  

Survey Questions

Ruth ECM

Please see attached files Eassure – Survey Records Management EDRMS

Draft ECM Survey

Ruth ECM

Please see attached files Draft ECM Survey Eassure – Survey Records Management EDRMS Eassure – Survey Records Management Service Delivery

KPI Reports

Ruth ECM

Please see attached files Eassure – Operational KPIs for Records Management