Royal Commission into Child Abuse

RuthECM, Newsletter

Mr Rob Spence will be presenting on the MAV ECM Step Program and its future at the next RMN meeting to be held on the 12th February 11.00AM to 2.00PM at Treasury Place Melbourne. Also featured will be presentations on the Royal Commission into Child Abuse. In November Debbie Prout, RIMPA Vic President wrote the following:-“Close to half a million children in Australia in the 20th century were brought up in ‘care’: as state wards, foster children or Home children raised in orphanages, Children’s Homes, and other institutions, and in foster care. Many of these people are now middle-aged or older but still carry the burden of unresolved issues from this past. 



Many are afraid to tell their friends, even their children, that they were in the care system because of the stigma it carried. Many were cut off from all contact with family members, and are still looking for them.

Most left the care system without any preparation or assistance for adulthood or for parenthood. Many are left with the scars of emotional deprivation and neglect, and of physical, sexual and psychological abuse.

Care Leavers Australia Network (CLAN) is a support, advocacy, research and training group for people from this background. We help everyone, including Australians who grew up in orphanages and Homes overseas. There are almost no services for older Care Leavers provided either by governments or by the agencies which ran Homes in the past.

CLAN’s objective is to raise community awareness of our issues, and to campaign for government assistance to redress them. Being raised without your family has lifelong implications that require lifelong support services.”


Some reading:

Chapter (9) – Record Keeping



Whole report:   

 The problems with legal discovery and poor record keeping encountered by the Forgotten Australians. violation of human rights :



“And some of these children were used as the basis of medical experiments: We encourage those who choose to participate to read some of the following reports as this history is emotionally distressing for CLAN members and we can ask questions with empathy, compassion and insight.”

Forgotten Australians Report:

“This discussion was recently a parliamentary debate – see attached document –

 pages 34 but pages 41 onwards are of great significance.  We need your support to help send the message that bad recordkeeping in Government is no longer an excuse. Government Agencies must be kept accountable for the information they create and receive.”  pages 34 but pages 41 onwards are of great significance.  We need your support to help send the message that bad recordkeeping in Government is no longer an excuse. Government Agencies must be kept accountable for the information they create and receive.”

Please make an effort to attend this meeting. We have a big year ahead of us. As a start, Council’s are urged to conduct a Risk Management Analysis of Childrens Services records and prepare a Risk Register. Information on how to conduct an analysis in found within PROS 10/10 Guideline 6. Records & Risk Management which we have attached to this article.

See you at our ECM Step Program BCS Meeting on the 15th February 2013 too. We will spend a bit of time covering what we need to do to prepare for the Royal Commission and how we might help each other. The meeting will be held at

Level 11, 30 Collins Street Melbourne at the Monash Meeting Room from 10 – 3pm.




Records Risk Management Assessment