
RuthECM, Newsletter

The Records Storage and Digitisation Project Committee was established in April 2011 to support and guide the backscanning and storage conversion program in partnership with Grace Records Management, the Public Records Office Victoria, the MAV and Local Councils party to the sector wide contract. The program has a reform agenda. This is:- to support business excellence through better use of technology, conversion of paper to digital for improved access and control, education and support of all record users and creators in record keeping better practice guidance in harnassing the opportunities which technology provides. The Committee publishes a bi-annual newsletter that provides up to date information on the activities of the project committee and related topics. Submissions of stories for articles are welcomed. Contact Ruth Edge on or phone 03 9294 6799 to submit your stories.

MAV ECM Step Storage & Digitisation Newsletter April 2012 FINAL

MAV Records Storage and Digitisation Project Executive Committee Newsletter December 2011

MAV Records Storage and Digitisation Project Executive Committee Newsletter June 2011