Data Security

Data Security in the News

Ensuring that data we manage is secure and only accessible by those who should have access is a critical part of everyday life. Whether keeping your personal information you manage at home secure, or managing the security of others in the workplace, when it goes wrong there are consequences.  The articles below are useful examples to reference when preparing for training or writing a business case of report.

  1. Data Security – Records Management in the News – Training Examples May 2015
  2. Data Security – What’s Driving Chaotic Dismantling of Canada’s Science Libraries
  3. Data Security – Violated by using personal email accounts for State Business
  4. Data Security – Veterans Secretary resigned after report
  5. Data Security – Thousands lose pensions in firms ‘Fawlty Towers’ bungles
  6. Data Security – Personal access to metadata – Telstra Journey 
  7. Data Security – Records breach for Defence links to China
  8. Data Security – Hackers put Australians at Terror Risk
  9. Data Security – Risk – Draft data breach notification Bill released
  10. Data Security – The biggest mistakes in sharing knowledge
  11. Data Security – Number of data related incidents rising says AIIM
  12. Data Security – Risk – Records risk for NZ public sector
  13. Data Security – Electronic pickpocketing
  14. Data Security – Fraudsters swindle MYKI cards of millions
  15. Data Security – Hackers steal credit card details of thousands using MyCause charity website
  16. Data Security – Council data security shockingly lax
  17. Data Security – The Ashley Madison affair – theft of data
  18. Data Security – The Department of Veterans Affairs Health Information and Privacy Breach
  19. Data Security – Looking Back Still Not Serious About Online Security
  20. Data Security – Issues-Paper-Cloud-Computing
  21. Data Security – How the blockchain will become our new signature
  22. Data Security – Border Force granted metadata access
  23. Data Security – Australian organisations sign letter rejecting government encryption ban
  24. Data Security – Trend Watch Mobile Payments
  25. Data Security – Corporate Theft and Fraud – Scammers hit Businesses
  26. Data Security – Identity Security – Online free trial offers – Protect against scams
  27. Data Security – Identity Theft – Could Scammers sell your Property from under you
  28. Data Security – Identity Theft – Man arrested in Nigeria over attempted real estate fraud in Western Australia
  29. Data Security – Identity Theft sees Scammers steal from Australians more than $80 Million a year
  30. Data Security – Information Security thwarts scammers in WA
  31. Data Security – Records Security and Privacy – Another 400 WA home sales investigated for fraud
  32. Data Security – Ways thieves steal your Identity and Property
  33. Data Security – What is a credit card scam plus Scam Checklist
  34. Data Security – Costly oversight in managing digital records FINRA Fines Scottrade
  35. Data Security – Risk and Privacy – 2016 Census Privacy Threat
  36. Data Security – Risk and Privacy – ABS slammed for breach of trust over intrusive 2016 Census data matching plan
  37. Data Security – digital-security-privacy-how-right-to-be-forgotten-puts-privacy-and-free-speech-on-a-collision-course
  38. Data Security – digital-and-privacy-family-violence
  39. Data Security – digital-privacy-security-2000-hit-by-melb-council
  40. Data Security – Ashley Madison hack fallout begins as security analysts say data dump is genuine
  41. Data Security – data-security-our-french-submarine-builder-in-massive-leak-scandal
  42. Data Security – records-as-evidence-public-housing-tenant-has-vcat-win-after-getting
  43. Data Security – data-security-our-french-submarine-builder-in-massive-leak-scandal
  44. Data Security – Risk – Draft data breach notification Bill released
  45. Data Security – The biggest mistakes in sharing knowledge
  46. Data Security – Number of data related incidents rising says AIIM
  47. Data Security – Risk – Records risk for NZ public sector
  48. Data Security – New European Data Protection Laws
  49. Data Security – EU Commission and United States agree on new framework for transatlantic data flows
  50. Data Security – Who is stealing whose software
  51. Data Security – digital-privacy-security-2000-hit-by-melb-council
  52. Data Security – digital-and-privacy-family-violence
  53. Data Security – Social Responsibility – digital-security-privacy-how-right-to-be-forgotten-puts-privacy-and-free-speech-on-a-collision-course
  54. Data Security – security-alleged-gumtree-scammer-arrested
  55. Data Security – AMA wants answers over Medicare Data Breach
  56. Data Security – Government and AFP investigating report Medicare card details for sale
  57. Data Security – Medicare data breach is the tip of the iceberg in the world of Australian dark web fraud
  58. Data Security – Towns scramble to keep sensitive data from online
  • This space is for your contribution. Have you news that should be shared with the sector?  Email your article to Ruth Edge