Records Governance
With the event of COVID-19 and the uptake of Microsoft 365 records governance has risen in interest across the globe. As governments and business scramble to continue to conduct business as usual there are real opportunities for advancement in records management programs, applying good records and information governance, and working in a much more enjoyable and effective way to deliver to our customers. But there is also risk. If done poorly, corners are cut, there is a real danger of a spaghetti like entanglement looming for the future where information is leaked, is lost or its authenticity is questionable.
In the year ahead we will gather content as we explore the opportunities to come, and share the experiences we have had so that others can learn from our successes and mistakes. Meanwhile, below are examples of issues that arise when governance is not properly applied.
Records Management Governance in the News
- Records Governance – Who’s in control – metadata and taxonomies
- Records Governance – Did poor record keeping allow a murderer to walk free
- Records Governance – 2018 02 02 Presentation LG Copyright Licensing Greg Taylor
- Records Governance – What Councils should know about copyright
- Records Governance – ACCC must wake up to big data
- Records Governance – Facebook defamation surge challenges courts
- Records Governance – Public service to ban paper in boxes
- This space is for your contribution. Have you news that should be shared with the sector? Email your article to Ruth Edge