Digital Risks

Digital Risks

Risk is an inevitable part of life. Record Keeping has always had its risks. Keeping records in digital format brings it’s own risks. The Public Records Office Victoria (PROV) and Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner have been leading the way in providing sound advice on managing digital data and information, and what to do in the event of breach.

Our greatest threat is from within. That is that employees who have access to information do not manage it properly either in ignorance, lack of understanding of the value of the records and their role in protecting them or through deliberate acts.  The following are practical examples that can be used in training, business reporting or for case studies to support a recommendation for improvements. See also the sections on Data Security and Digital Business News.

  1. Digital Risks – Paperless government why its failing and how to fix it
  2. Digital Risks – Paper dinosaur or a digital disaster
  3. Digital Risks – Minister tells hospitals they must have virus
  4. Security Risk- 5 biggest cybersecurity concerns facing CIOs
  5. PROV Issues Paper Cloud Computing with Risk Analysis Template
  6. PROV DPCD Cloud Computing Discussion Paper 2015
  7. PROV Cloud Computing Tools Guide 2013
  8. PROV Cloud Computing Issues Implications for Records Management 2013
  9. PROV Cloud Computing Decision Making Guide 2013
  • This space is for your contribution. Have you news that should be shared with the sector?  Email your article to Ruth Edge